Chadrick Ward


Moose Ware Software LLC

Software Architect and Engineer

Designed and developed three unique iPhone OS applications for OS versions 2.x and 3.x.

Implemented a built-in web server, in Objective C, into the iPhone applications, to manage files and folders in the application. The features included upload, download, create directory, delete directory, and directory navigation.

Developed user Interface and OS specific features in Objective C and Cocoa.

Created core application logic using C++ to allow for future expansion onto other platforms.


Senior Software Engineer

At Raytheon I have worked on several different satellite systems. The ones I enjoyed the most were the NASA projects of TERRA, AQUA, and NPOESS.

Personally designed, developed, and maintained the following systems or components:

  • Designed and implemented a server based fault tolerant system using Windows services and application. System was required to function 99.93% of the time.
  • Part of a team that saved the company $4 million in costs through excellent planning and execution of design and development.
  • Designed and implemented TCP/IP management classes using Windows API and Overlapped I/O for high reliability as the backbone for to parts of the NPOESS data system.
  • Designed and developed other core libraries for Windows, including a C++ Wrapper class for Windows Memory Mapped Files, which is 40 times faster then normal file I/O.
  • Created several development and test tools using C++ and MFC.
  • Wrote software to interface with specific hardware for monitoring and control purposes. Communication via RS232, TCP/IP, and other protocols.
  • Enhanced and repaired Unix and VMS X-Windows applications written in C
  • Designed and developed a satellite data stream decoder for (CCSDS) multiplexed data using C++ and Win32 API for a Windows NT server. Software designed for easy portability to the UNIX environment.
  • Created GUI application in UNIX, using C++ and Motif on a Solaris workstation, for creating, editing and viewing satellite data dump requests.
  • Designed and developed an extensible data viewer for multiplexed data.

Baxa Corporation

Senior Software Engineer

As Lead Software Engineer I led a new product development team. Our team was tasked with designing and building software and firmware for a new line of pharmaceutical pumps. The software was implemented on Windows CE and Windows XP embedded using .Net, .Net Compact Framework, and C#. The team used storyboards, uses cases, and RUP design tools.

As Project Manager I led multiple small maintenance efforts. Many of these projects have focused on taking an existing product, changing it, testing those changes, verifying that the new version can be manufactured, and releasing that product to customers.

As Software Engineer I have used C++, C# and other languages for new development, internal tools, and for the maintenance of existing code.

As Technical Manager I led the effort to create a software maintenance department. This included right sizing the process for a small team in an FDA regulated environment.


Software Design Engineer

Used C, C++, JavaScript and HTML to fix bugs in the DishPlayer, a WebTV Internet Appliance. DishPlayer is WebTV/Echo Star Satellite Receiver with Personal Video Recorder (think TiVO) capability, running the WebTV OS, a thin real time multi-thread UNIX operating system.

Personally worked on the following components:

  • FAT file system
  • Digital Video System
  • JavaScript Interpreter
  • HTML browser
  • Keyboard handler classes


Software Engineer

Insightek was a small startup company started by five of us while I was attending college. The business received one million dollars in venture capital from Intel. We were involved in several kinds of projects. Most of them involved monitor and/or control of a system. These systems included farm irrigation systems, city sewer systems, and automotive manufacturing plants.

I designed and developed single and multithreaded Windows applications and ActiveX Controls, DOS applications, and embedded software for the AMD 186 processor, using C, C++, and VB.

Idaho Opal and Gem

Software Engineer

Idaho Opal and Gem is a Jewelry manufacture. This was my first real job designing and writing computer software.

  • Designed and developed order entry software on a TELXON PTC-710 handheld computer running embedded DOS. Written in C.
  • Designed and developed Windows applications using Visual Basic to download orders created on the handheld by sales personnel.
  • Conversion tools, using C++, for converting data from the UNIX environment to the DOS environment.

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