Chadrick Ward

3D Models

I like using 3D models to build graphical elements in the other things that I create. Here are some of my 3D model and project files.

Site Icons

The pictures you see here, and the icons for this website, were all created by TrueSpace 6.6.

For more information about TrueSpace visit Caligari.

Click on a link below to download the TrueSpace model and scene files.


Graduation Cap


Computer (Display and CPU)


Floppy Disk

House (Home Icon)

Lego (3D Icon)

Sextant (Projects Icon) and Triple Constraints

Pump (Products Icon)

Folder (Resume Icon) and Book


Keyboard and Pen (Writing Icon)


Using TrueSpace 6.6 I created five 3D models of some Duplo Lego Blocks. Feel free to download and use these 3D Models.

Please let me know how it goes.

Duplo Legos

© Copyright Chadrick Ward 2008. All Rights Reserved.

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